What are cloud workloads

A workload can possibly be your API server, data processing code, communications management code. It refers to the quantity of work being done on a cloud service at any particular time. It keeps the balance of the activities being done through a cloud at the same time, whether it's one job or hundreds of interactions. However, Misconfiguration is a serious cybersecurity concern. Access management systems that aren't set up correctly and data transmission protocols that aren't up to par make cloud workloads more vulnerable.

Cloud Workload Security Challenges

Cloud Workload Requires security measures from customers and providers alike since public cloud deployments operate under a shared security model. Both the cloud computing provider and the customer have a responsibility to ensure the security within their area of control.

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Performance Efficiency

Operational Excellence



Cost Optimization

Cloud workload deliver in these key areas:

Runtime Protection

Image scanning, while important, is blind to attacks. Vulnerabilities can be exploited before they can be patched. Misconfigurations can happen.


You can’t detect, stop or respond to something if you can’t see it. Workload events, including container events, need to be captured, analyzed and stored so that security products and teams alike have the visibility they need to detect and stop threats as they happen, as well as to hunt and investigate.

Simplicity and Performance

Companies need to address the security requirements of the cloud without increasing the number of products they deploy and manage. Ideally, companies could use the same platform for their on-premises and public, private and hybrid cloud needs to help provide consistent, low-impact security without adding complexity.


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Accelerate your workloads with us

Bring fastest Cloud Adoption to your business with Consulting & IT. Improve productivity with AWS best services, Reduce Costs with our top-level Engineers, ensure High Reliability and High-Avaibility best practice. Connect as many resources and services as needed with WAR, Cloud Network, Cloud Security, Decoupled and Dual-Homing Architectures.

How can we help

As an organization's infrastructure changes, so must its cybersecurity. Traditional on-premises applications require a different approach to security than cloud-based apps and workloads. Our team offers a variety of resources to help you improve the security of your cloud apps.At both the application and individual workload level, cloud workload security solutions need to be installed and configured automatically. Because cloud changes are made so promptly, policies and settings must be able to react swiftly and automatically.